The climate wisdom of Paul Hawken and his team of scientists continues to amaze. Among the treasures in the book “Regeneration: How to End the Climate Crisis in One Generation,” is a section on bamboo and its many qualities and uses. Who knew that bamboo can be used in countless ways, including as a food source for people and animals?
Bamboo is fast growing and hardy. It thrives without pesticides and produces more oxygen than trees. What we call “bamboo” here in Maine is not related to real bamboo at all; actually, it’s an invasive plant called Japanese knotweed. Bamboo is native to China and Taiwan and has 1,000 species. The strongest, fastest growing bamboo is Moso bamboo. It is the only species suitable for our needs, and it is being farmed in this country (and others) in southern areas for use in dozens of products.
Moso bamboo grows to 7 feet in 2 years from a single seed. In its native surroundings its growth is extraordinarily fast – as much as three feet a day – and it reaches 90 feet in suitable climates. In less than an ideal climate it will grow to 20 to 30 feet. Bamboo is actually a grass with a vast root system. The wood begins to thicken when it reaches its full height. There is no clear-cutting, and careful harvesting protects the roots that foster new growth, producing a remarkable, renewable resource.
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Known as “hairy” or “tortoise shell” bamboo, Moso is used most commonly for textiles, food and flooring. Clothing manufactured from bamboo is more durable and feels softer than rayon, cotton, polyester or wool. Bamboo used for construction is stronger than wood, brick, or concrete and more stress-resistant than steel. It is cut into planks for flooring, furniture and other construction. (See Green Living Blog at
Pandas eat the roots, shoots and leaves of arrow bamboo, black bamboo and water bamboo. They do not like Moso, so we are not taking their food when we purchase Moso bamboo products.
A web search for bamboo products available in Maine yielded 15 sites with many products, including building supplies, furniture, flooring, and kitchen, bathroom and workshop counters, and bedding and linens. Clothing is sold online and is advertised as silky, flattering and washable and is sometimes combined with cotton fibers. Clothing from bamboo meets Global Organic Textile Standards.
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Bamboo is used also for drinking straws, kitchen utensils, tissues, artwork, and cutting and serving boards. The list goes on: paper, books, food, alcohol, fuel, scaffolding, utensils and chopsticks, water pipes, fishing poles, jewelry, tools such as drills and mallets, furniture, boats, flagpoles, ropes, skateboards, bike frames, musical instruments, interior home finishes, and plywood – and there are many other useful applications.
Most bamboo used in the United States has been growing (in warmer states) since 2016, and additional uses are always being developed. It can be used to make anything that requires hardwoods, but will cost less and last longer.
An online search for stores in Maine that sell bamboo products yielded a long list that includes Eldredge (an Ace Hardware store), Reny’s, Maine Yarn and Fiber Supply (in Bangor or online), and other online and physical sites.
Overall, bamboo is better for the planet, our home and workplace, and better for our wallets. Using bamboo products will help our town and state fulfill the promises of our respective climate action plans. Let’s try it.
Susan Glick is a member of York Ready for Climate Action. YRCA is a grassroots citizens' organization dedicated to increasing awareness of the causes and effects of climate change and advancing environmentally friendly and inclusive policies and behaviors. Please see or Information about EcoHOMES is on the same site.